Are you considering starting a YouTube channel in 2024? With the immense popularity and growth of YouTube over the years, it’s no surprise that many people are looking to break into the world of content creation. However, with the increasing competition and changing algorithms, it can be daunting to start from scratch. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! In this blog, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about starting a successful YouTube channel in 2024. From content ideas to equipment recommendations, we’ll provide you with all the necessary steps and tips to help you launch and grow your channel in the ever-evolving digital landscape. Let’s dive in!


This video is sponsored by Squarespace so you want to be a YouTuber well I have learned a thing or two over the last 6 years but I do always wonder what it would be like if I had to start a Channel all over again what would it be About would I do things the exact same way to grow my channel and honestly probably not I’m a business owner and content creator from Toronto Canada I ran my own video production company specializing in corporate video production and taking my experience as a producer director in the corporate world Combining it with my skills as a photographer and cinematographer I then started my own company and began producing content on YouTube ranging from short films to educational photography and video tutorials so since starting YouTube I have worked with some amazing clients including Toyota Mercedes-Benz the Spanish tourism board And the Scottish tourism board I’m going to give you guys a little slice of what I’ve learned throughout my journey so that you can finally press that record button and get started on that channel you have always wanted to make and then you know have some success with growth a Little faster than I did so we’re not here to cut Corners I just want to help streamline your process so that it’s not so all over the place like mine was when I first started so let’s get right into it and start with our first of four main steps brand Strategy first we’re going to isolate what makes your business and brand unique then we’ll use that to build your ideal social media strategy think of it as the compass that guides your creative ship through the turbulent Seas of social media because with without a strategy you might well no you Absolutely will find yourself lost and confused you need to decide on your Niche and you need to be insanely passionate about that Niche because you’re going to have to talk about it a lot part of this is also your why and your unique story so why did you want to Start this channel who are you serving and how did you end up here in the first place this narrative is what forms the emotional bond between you and your audience now a good technique to try and figure out your Niche is to write down at least five video ideas you would make If you had the time money and resources available to you so what’s interesting for you to make now from those videos you can create kind of like a web that connects all of those videos together and that web will reveal at least three content pillars that overlap in all of These different video areas now you have your content pillars you have the freedom to choose three these could be anything but they are not limited to food travel business Family Sports or even photography and videography once you’re happy with your choices you want to go ahead and develop your brand voice Whether it’s witty informative or heartfelt your voice gives your content kind of like a distinct flavor I would recommend just trying to be yourself don’t be something that you’re not and that is ultimately going to give you that brand voice so be completely and authentically you next you want to Isolate your ideal audience so who are the people who resonate with your vision and your values who is going to be watching your content crafting content that speaks to them is the key to forging those meaningful connections and is what will keep that audience coming back and continuing to watch your Content don’t let this whole process intimidate you and hold you back from creating content though it’s always best to just get started and it’s okay to have to figure out all of these little things about your brand as you go that’s pretty much what I did I’m just trying To give you guys a bit of a leg up so having a brand strategy will just make things faster for you ultimately if you do this before shooting your first video you enjoying this video cool couple things I’m going to ask you to do then one maybe subscribe To my channel uh to listen to me talk about Squarespace for a minute thanks I used Squarespace to make my website I legitimately did even before they paid me to do this ad the template I chose was clean and stylish and I literally built it myself I really struggle with Design but Squarespace made it super easy for me to Showcase my portfolio beautifully the platform is super super easy for me to customize update regularly and I can get analytics about the purchases made on my digital products through my online store and I run my own business so I don’t have time To learn a whole new platform all right so head over to Squarespace for a free trial and when you’re ready to launch you can use this code right here to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain thanks Squarespace now back to the video the next step is hitting repord But wait before you start any of the production you need to understand your level of commitment to the channel so are you going to treat this channel as a business a hobby how much time and money will you be investing into the channel to build it and help it grow when you Answer those questions it’ll kind of help you know what level of production you want to have with your videos so decide on the output level and set a goal for yourself quarterly and stick to it I recommend posting at least one video per week to see consistent growth To help with this make a schedule strive to to plan at least 2 weeks of content ahead of time and for optimal results consider sitting down a month in advance to plan all of your content and shoot days for the entire month and then I Would say do a check-in at like the twoe mark to see if you need to make any adjustments because doing this twoe check-in allows you to take advantage of any current trends which can significantly then boost your engagement now you’re ready to record and upload your first few videos so congratulations And that is probably the biggest step that holds people back from creating a channel in the first place it may not be perfect right away but everyone has to start somewhere and the more you invest in it and time into it the better the content will get and most importantly The easier it’s going to feel for you to keep creating if you’re looking to improve certain aspects of your videos down the line you can use this platform as a resource watch other creators and learn how they do it so great start by just showing up here on my Channel the next step for you guys is consistency consistency means your Niche personality style of content and posting frequency posting consistently on your channel is important for several reasons from creating brand visibility to providing you a competitive advantage over those who are not posting consistently consistency is also what The algorithm prefers so the more frequently you post the more priority will be provided to your posts on the platform there’s a healthy balance you’ll have to find between quality and quantity in my opinion done is better than perfect but you’ll find your sweet spot as you continue to create when it Comes to your own Brands visibility social media algorithms tend to favor and prioritize content from accounts that post frequently and on a regular basis plus algorithms on social media are often updated or changed affecting the way they distribute and display content by posting consistently you’ll be able to adapt to these changes more Quickly as they present themselves.

The Importance of Brand Strategy

When starting a YouTube channel, having a clear brand strategy is essential to guide your content creation and audience engagement. These strategies include defining your niche, brand voice, and ideal audience, which forms the emotional bond with your viewers.

Set Clear Goals for Your Channel

Prior to starting your channel, it’s important to determine your level of commitment and set measurable goals. Decide how much time and resources you will invest and set a posting schedule to ensure consistent growth.

Consistency is Key

Consistently posting content on your channel is vital for brand visibility and standing out on the platform. It also aligns with social media algorithms, providing a competitive advantage and prioritization of your content.

1. What do I need to start a YouTube channel in 2024?

To start a YouTube channel in 2024, you will need to create a Google account and then use that account to create a YouTube channel. You will also need a computer or smartphone with video recording capabilities and an internet connection.

2. What type of content should I create for my YouTube channel?

The type of content you create for your YouTube channel will depend on your interests, skills, and the audience you want to reach. You can create vlogs, tutorials, gaming videos, product reviews, and much more. It’s important to choose a niche that you are passionate about and that will resonate with your target audience.

3. How often should I upload videos to my YouTube channel?

Consistency is key when it comes to uploading videos to your YouTube channel. You should aim to upload content regularly, whether it’s once a week, twice a week, or even daily. This will help keep your audience engaged and coming back for more.

4. How can I promote my YouTube channel and grow my audience?

There are several ways to promote your YouTube channel and grow your audience. You can share your videos on social media, collaborate with other YouTubers, optimize your video titles and descriptions for search engines, and engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages.

5. Are there any tips for success as a YouTuber in 2024?

Some tips for success as a YouTuber in 2024 include staying authentic, creating high-quality content, engaging with your audience, and staying up-to-date with the latest trends and updates on the platform. It’s also important to be patient and persistent, as building a successful YouTube channel takes time and effort.

I hope you find useful my article STARTING A YOUTUBE CHANNEL IN 2024? HERE’S WHAT TO DO!, I also recommend you to read my other posts in my blog at this link.

If you need help with anything join the community or do not hesitate to contact me.

Best of luck! and follow your passion.

Please consider joining my newsletter or following me on social media if you like my content.

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